Jan 31
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- The outline must be returned before a textbook is handed out.
- Course Outline
-Lab Contract
-WHMIS Symbols
- Dice Lab
- Return Signed Course Outline - Books will not be distributed until it is brought in.
- Return SIgned Lab Contract
- 1 Google doc stating the name of the class website and the documents that you need to return for Friday's class.
- Dice Lab completed by Wednesday Feb 6 on Google DOCs in your SNC folder.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 1
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- Dice Lab
Go through the lab link above and the lab expectations at the bottom of the page.
Lab will be due by the end of the day Wednesday Feb 6.
Labs must be completed on Google Docs and submitted in you SNC2D folder with an appropriate title.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 4
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- Dice Lab
Go through the lab link above and the lab expectations at the bottom of the page.
Lab will be due by the end of the day Wednesday Feb 6.
Labs must be completed on Google Docs and submitted in you SNC2D folder with an appropriate title.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 5
Learning Goal
Complete Lab due Wednesday.
Lab due Wednesday Feb 6
Lab safety quiz Thursday Feb 7
Feb 6
Learning Goal
Organize your Notes so you can use them to study in the future.
Cell Intro Video
Cell Comparison
Lab due Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 7
Learning Goal
How are the cells different
Learning Goal
Read and understand expectations - Strive for level 4.
Cell Comparison Project
Due Monday Feb 11
Create a labeled diagram of an object or area that is a direct comparison of either a plant or animal cell. A school is not an acceptable example.
- Covers all of 1 side of 8 ½ x 11 inch blank paper.
- Title (underlined) -what is the structure and what type of cell is it.
- Coloured
- Labels of the organelle and the part of the object/area highlighted
- Includes at least 6 different organelles(cell parts)
- Done in pencil
- Neat and organized.
Written Section (on the back of the page)
- Done on the back of the page.
- Done in sentence form.
- Descriptions compare how the function of the organelles
are similar to the part of the object/area.
- Titles of organelles and building section are bolded,
highlighted or underlined.
- Written in pen.
Further Reading - pg 10-15 Science 10
Feb 8
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Cell Mitosis Quiz Tuesday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 11
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Onion Root tip diagram for Mitosis worksheets
Complete Mitosis worksheet
Hand in Cell Comparison Project
Cell Mitosis Quiz Thursday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams
Feb 12
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Onion Root tip diagram for Mitosis worksheets
Complete Mitosis worksheet
Cell Mitosis Quiz Thursday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams
Feb 14
Learning Goal
Understand Mitosis
Cell/Mitosis Quiz
Course Selection Presentation
Feb 15
Learning Goal
How do all these topics interact and work together.
Additional Reading pg 40-45 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 19
Learning Goal
Create APA style references using the website link.
Use your articles that you have found either online or printed off to complete the "what is cancer?" assignment described below.
What is Cancer due Thursday Feb 21
- Explain in a maximum of 300 words "What is cancer" (its symptoms, effects and treatments)
- include at least 3 different references done in APA similar to ones shown in class on Friday.
- Ensure that your references are recent and from reliable sources.
- Journals, websites that end in edu or gov are usually good. Avoid wikipedia and blogs.
Due Thursday, Feb 21
Feb 20
Learning Goal
How will I keep my notes and assignments organized
Make the connections between concepts
Cell Specialization
Tissue Specialization
Additional Reading pg 85-92 Science 10 Textbook
Guide to Earthworm Success
Feb 21
Learning Goal
Remember you lab rules
Worm Lab
Worm Video
Feb 22
Learning Goal
Look for patterns in the circulatory system - it does not need to be that difficult
Circulatory System
Circulatory System Diagram
Heart Video - Crash Course
Blood Vessels - Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 100-103 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 25
Learning Goal
See how it all works together
Circulatory System
Circulatory System Diagram
Heart Video - Crash Course
Blood Vessels - Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 100-103 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 26
Learning Goal
See how it all works together
Respiratory System
Respiratory Video
Additional Reading pg 103-105 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 27
Learning Goal
Look for the interdependence of the 3 different organ systems
Digestive System
Digestive System Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 97-99 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 28
Learning Goal
Organize next week with upcoming due dates
Musculoskeletal and Nervous Systems
Injury Assessment and Diagnosis
Interaction of Systems
Additional Reading pg 94-95 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 1
Learning Goal
How can you organize this information efficiently?
Interdependence - How it all works together
Choose 7 Organ Systems from Organs and Systems/Injury Assessment or pg 96 of the Science 10 Textbook
Explain the function and describe 1 reason why each systems is interdependent with the other systems.
- Use a table or flow chart to set up your information in an organized manner.
- Each system will have its major functions explained.
- Each system will have how the other 7 systems enable that system to function/survive. (there will be a lot of repetition for some systems)
This assignment will be collected in your google folder or as a hard copy at the start of the class Monday March 4.
Mar 4
Learning Goal
Compare and contrast the plant and animal
Root Stem Leaf
Additional Reading pg 57-65 Science 10 Textbook
Unit Test Review - System Section
Mar 5
Learning Goal
Organize Unit Info and find similarities between plants/animals as well as each system
Unit Test Review - System Section
Unlabelled diagrams - Test review
Mar 6
Learning Goal
Read questions carefully and understand expectations
Unit Test -Plants and systems
Frog Dissection Lab Mar 8
Mar 7
Learning Goal
Correct and review test
Frog Dissection Lab Mar 8
Remember to tie back long hair and dress appropriately for the the lab.
Mar 8
Learning Goal
Read and understand the lab before you begin
Frog Dissection Lab pg 116-118 of text
Mar 18
Learning Goal
Understanding Ionic Bonds
Ionic Bonding
Ionic Compound Worksheet
Additional Reading pg 117 - 118 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 19
Learning Goal
Understand Chemical Vs Physical Change
Chemical and Physical Change
Chem Review
Additional Reading pg 117 - 118 Science 10 Textbook
Review and Ionic bonding will be checked on Wednesday March 20
Mar 20
Learning Goal
Use the worksheets to reinforce understanding of Ionic Bonding
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 21
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 22
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 25
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Type of Chemical Bonds
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions Worksheet.
Quiz Thursday - Bigger one
Mar 26
Learning Goal
What are the differences between ionic and molecular bonds?
Quiz Review
Quiz Thursday
Mar 27
Learning Goal
What are the differences between ionic and molecular bonds?
Quiz Today
You will need your periodic table and polyatomic ion sheet
Mar 28
Learning Goal
If you can't balance the equation, it is bonded incorrectly
Types of Chemical Reactions
Reaction Worksheet
Mar 29
Learning Goal
Can you spot neutralization and Combustion reactions?
Type of Reaction - One more worksheet
Apr 1
Learning Goal
What patterns do you notice between ionic and covalent bonds?
Conservation of Mass Lab
Lab due Wednesday Apr 3
Apr 2
Learning Goal
If you can't balance the equation, it is bonded incorrectly
Types of Chemical Reactions
Reaction Worksheet
Lab due Wednesday Apr 3
Apr 3
Learning Goal
Can you spot neutralization and Combustion reactions?
Type of Reaction - One more worksheet
5 questions quiz on Thursday - Same as last week but includes type of reaction.
Apr 4
Learning Goal
Learn how to recognize acids and bases
Naming Acids
Additional Reading pg 219-227 Science 10 Textbook
Apr 5
Learning Goal
Bond, balance, name and recognize Type of reaction
Friday Lab - Chemical bonding
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Apr 8
Learning Goal
Figure out why its still called a snow day when there is barely any snow on the ground
Mystery gas lab due at the start of class Tuesday. 1 per group
Busses cancelled due to weather.
Apr 9
Learning Goal
Learn how to recognize acids and bases
pH scale and indicators
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Additional Reading pg 229-234 Science 10 Textbook
Apr 10
Learning Goal
What is titration?
Practice Titration example
Unit Review
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Apr 11
Learning Goal
Remember you Diatomic atoms and Transition metals
Unit Test
Apr 12
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Climate and Weather
Weather vs Climate Video
Precipitation data
Temperature data
Create a Climatograph of Kanata (Stitsville data was not available) based on the info provided above for all of 2021
Be sure to include the following information
Title - Name of town and range of date
Monthly precipitation - as a bar graph
Monthly Average temperature - as a line graph
Use as much of the page as possible when creating you graph.
Label the axis with titles and units
Use colour to make you information more visible.
Climatograph example
Apr 15
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Factors Affecting Climate
Factors Influencing Climate Lab
Apr 16
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 17
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 18
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 23
Learning Goal
Can we fix this problem?
Politics of Climate Change
Climate Change Lab
Climate Change Lab PDF
Climate Change Lab due Thursday Apr 26
Apr 24
Learning Goal
Can we fix this problem?
Politics of Climate Change
Climate Change Lab
Climate Change Lab PDF
Climate Change Lab due Friday Apr 26
Apr 26
Learning Goal
How are we causing this problem?
Greenhouse effect Gizmo
Greenhouse effect Note
Apr 29
Learning Goal
What is this doing to our planet?
Air and Ocean Circulation
Air Current Explained
Ocean Currents Explained
Ocean Currents Effect on Climate
Coriolis Effect
Thermohaline Circulation
On a single page, Create a labelled diagram with description that explains the following.
1. What is convection heating?
2. Why are there warm and cold ocean currents?
3 At what latitudes do we tend to see warmer/wetter and cooler/drier climates due to the hot and cold ocean currents
This will be due at the start of Tuesday's class.
Apr 30
Learning Goal
How can we fix this in our country?
Long Term and SHort Term Effects of Climate Change
Tree Rings
May 1
Learning Goal
How can we fix this in our homes?
Impacts of Climate Change
Sources of Energy
Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint link
Carbon Footprint expectations.
Take Screen shots of BOTH results pages.
Click on this link to answer #2 of the climate change assignment
Due Friday May 3
May 2
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Day After Tomorrow
May 3
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Day After Tomorrow
May 6
Learning Goal
Organize you information
Climate Change Review.
- Climate vs Weather
- Factors that affect climate
- Natural factors that can affect climate
- Radiation, conduction, convection
- Ocean/wind currents
- Ways of testing past climates
- Greenhouse gasses (Natural and Anthropogenic)
- Greenhouse effect
- Canada's Politics and climate change
Unit Test Tuesday
Brief History of Canada's Climate Change Agreements
Class Climate Survey
May 7
Learning Goal
Read questions carefully
Climate Change Unit Test
May 8
Learning Goal
Organize your information and focus on time management
RST Day 1
Create your purpose, variables, hypothesis and procedure.
Will be in room 232 for Thursday and Friday to perform lab.
May 9
Learning Goal
Time management and organization are a focus
Titration RST - in the lab - Room 323
Hair tied back
No open toed shoes
Make needed changes to your procedure
May 10
Learning Goal
Divided tasks to you group member to more efficient
Titration RST - in the lab - Room 323
Hair tied back
No open toed shoes
Make needed changes to your procedure
May 13
Learning Goal
Time management and organization are a focus
Complete Observation, conclusion and research questions for the RST
Collected at the end of each class
May 14
Learning Goal
Divided tasks to you group member to more efficient
Complete Observation, conclusion and research questions for the RST
Collected at the end of each class
May 22
Learning Goal
What is light?
What is light?
What is light video
- answer questions at the end of the note
What is Light question sheet
Additional Reading pg 403-410 Science 10 Textbook
May 23
Learning Goal
How does light reflect on a plane mirror?
Museum Security Project
Images in Plane Mirrors
Plane Mirror Ray Diagrams walkthrough
Ray Model of Light
May 27
Learning Goal
How does light reflect on a plane mirror?
Museum Security Project
Images in Plane Mirrors
Ray Model of Light
Assignment due Wednesday May 29 at the start of class
May 28
Learning Goal
How can we change to help ourselves and the planet
Guest speaker - Ecosmart food
May 29
Learning Goal
Light Through Mirrors?
Images in Curved Mirrors
Convex Mirrors (Diverging) Ray diagram worksheet
Concave Mirror Ray Diagram Worksheet(Converging)
Concave Mirror Ray Diagram VIdeo Tutorial
Convex Mirror Ray Diagram VIdeo Tutorial (starts at 5:38)
Using the ray box and the 5 slit cover, create a ray diagram using both a Concave (converging); and Convex (diverging) mirror
May 29
Learning Goal
Light Through Mirrors?
Images in Curved Mirrors
- Using the ray box and the 5 slit cover, create a ray diagram using both a Concave (converging); and Convex (diverging) mirror
- Create a labelled ray diagram for a concave mirror and a convex mirror and label the type of mirror, focal point, focal distance, centre of curvature, normal and the vertex.
May 30
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
Mirror Math
Mirror Math worksheet
Quiz will be on Tuesday. It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems. A version of the formula will be provided
May 31
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
Mirror Math
Mirror Math worksheet
Quiz will be on Tuesday. It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems. A version of the formula will be provided
June 4
Learning Goal
Do your ray diagrams and math answers show the same information?
Quiz - It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems and info from the notes. A version of the formulas will be provided
June 5
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
June 6
Learning Goal
Predict you answer before you solve
Lens Math
Lens and mirror super test
June 10
Learning Goal
Pay attention to details
Refraction 2022
Activity Link
June 11
Learning Goal
How do the parts of the eye work together to make vision possible?
Index of refraction worksheet
The Human Eye
Human Eye Video Link
Eye Problems Video Link
June 12
Learning Goal
Carefully read instructions
How do the parts of the eye work together to make vision possible?
Index of refraction worksheet
The Human Eye
Human Eye Video Link
Eye Problems Video Link
June 13
Learning Goal
Understand how glasses can help with short/far sightedness
The Human Eye
You must be wearing closed toes shoes, hair must be tied back and no loose clothing for the lab.
Optics Review
Unit Test Friday June 14
June 14
Learning Goal
Show all of your work with the math questions on the test
Unit Test Friday June 14
June 17-18
Learning Goal
Organize your information
Biology Review
Bio Review 2
Chemistry Review Package
Climate Change Review Package
- Biology tissues
- Chemistry
- Climate Change
- Optics
- Biology tissues
- Chemistry
- Climate Change
- Optics
Lab Guides
-BibMe - Reference Helper
- In Text referencing
- Image in text referencing
- APA image citation style and example
- Lab Format
- Example of Completed APA Reference Page
- Lab Checklist
- How to format Tables and graphs in you observations.
Jan 31
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- The outline must be returned before a textbook is handed out.
- Course Outline
-Lab Contract
-WHMIS Symbols
- Dice Lab
- Return Signed Course Outline - Books will not be distributed until it is brought in.
- Return SIgned Lab Contract
- 1 Google doc stating the name of the class website and the documents that you need to return for Friday's class.
- Dice Lab completed by Wednesday Feb 6 on Google DOCs in your SNC folder.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 1
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- Dice Lab
Go through the lab link above and the lab expectations at the bottom of the page.
Lab will be due by the end of the day Wednesday Feb 6.
Labs must be completed on Google Docs and submitted in you SNC2D folder with an appropriate title.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 4
Learning Goal
Understand the Scientific Method
- Dice Lab
Go through the lab link above and the lab expectations at the bottom of the page.
Lab will be due by the end of the day Wednesday Feb 6.
Labs must be completed on Google Docs and submitted in you SNC2D folder with an appropriate title.
- Lab safety quiz Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 5
Learning Goal
Complete Lab due Wednesday.
Lab due Wednesday Feb 6
Lab safety quiz Thursday Feb 7
Feb 6
Learning Goal
Organize your Notes so you can use them to study in the future.
Cell Intro Video
Cell Comparison
Lab due Wednesday Feb 6
Feb 7
Learning Goal
How are the cells different
Learning Goal
Read and understand expectations - Strive for level 4.
Cell Comparison Project
Due Monday Feb 11
Create a labeled diagram of an object or area that is a direct comparison of either a plant or animal cell. A school is not an acceptable example.
- Covers all of 1 side of 8 ½ x 11 inch blank paper.
- Title (underlined) -what is the structure and what type of cell is it.
- Coloured
- Labels of the organelle and the part of the object/area highlighted
- Includes at least 6 different organelles(cell parts)
- Done in pencil
- Neat and organized.
Written Section (on the back of the page)
- Done on the back of the page.
- Done in sentence form.
- Descriptions compare how the function of the organelles
are similar to the part of the object/area.
- Titles of organelles and building section are bolded,
highlighted or underlined.
- Written in pen.
Further Reading - pg 10-15 Science 10
Feb 8
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Cell Mitosis Quiz Tuesday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 11
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Onion Root tip diagram for Mitosis worksheets
Complete Mitosis worksheet
Hand in Cell Comparison Project
Cell Mitosis Quiz Thursday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams
Feb 12
Learning Goal
Ask one question.
The Cell Cycle
Mitosis Worksheet
Onion Root tip diagram for Mitosis worksheets
Complete Mitosis worksheet
Cell Mitosis Quiz Thursday
Additional Reading pg 30-39 Science 10 Textbook
Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams
Feb 14
Learning Goal
Understand Mitosis
Cell/Mitosis Quiz
Course Selection Presentation
Feb 15
Learning Goal
How do all these topics interact and work together.
Additional Reading pg 40-45 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 19
Learning Goal
Create APA style references using the website link.
Use your articles that you have found either online or printed off to complete the "what is cancer?" assignment described below.
What is Cancer due Thursday Feb 21
- Explain in a maximum of 300 words "What is cancer" (its symptoms, effects and treatments)
- include at least 3 different references done in APA similar to ones shown in class on Friday.
- Ensure that your references are recent and from reliable sources.
- Journals, websites that end in edu or gov are usually good. Avoid wikipedia and blogs.
Due Thursday, Feb 21
Feb 20
Learning Goal
How will I keep my notes and assignments organized
Make the connections between concepts
Cell Specialization
Tissue Specialization
Additional Reading pg 85-92 Science 10 Textbook
Guide to Earthworm Success
Feb 21
Learning Goal
Remember you lab rules
Worm Lab
Worm Video
Feb 22
Learning Goal
Look for patterns in the circulatory system - it does not need to be that difficult
Circulatory System
Circulatory System Diagram
Heart Video - Crash Course
Blood Vessels - Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 100-103 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 25
Learning Goal
See how it all works together
Circulatory System
Circulatory System Diagram
Heart Video - Crash Course
Blood Vessels - Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 100-103 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 26
Learning Goal
See how it all works together
Respiratory System
Respiratory Video
Additional Reading pg 103-105 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 27
Learning Goal
Look for the interdependence of the 3 different organ systems
Digestive System
Digestive System Crash Course
Additional Reading pg 97-99 Science 10 Textbook
Feb 28
Learning Goal
Organize next week with upcoming due dates
Musculoskeletal and Nervous Systems
Injury Assessment and Diagnosis
Interaction of Systems
Additional Reading pg 94-95 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 1
Learning Goal
How can you organize this information efficiently?
Interdependence - How it all works together
Choose 7 Organ Systems from Organs and Systems/Injury Assessment or pg 96 of the Science 10 Textbook
Explain the function and describe 1 reason why each systems is interdependent with the other systems.
- Use a table or flow chart to set up your information in an organized manner.
- Each system will have its major functions explained.
- Each system will have how the other 7 systems enable that system to function/survive. (there will be a lot of repetition for some systems)
This assignment will be collected in your google folder or as a hard copy at the start of the class Monday March 4.
Mar 4
Learning Goal
Compare and contrast the plant and animal
Root Stem Leaf
Additional Reading pg 57-65 Science 10 Textbook
Unit Test Review - System Section
Mar 5
Learning Goal
Organize Unit Info and find similarities between plants/animals as well as each system
Unit Test Review - System Section
Unlabelled diagrams - Test review
Mar 6
Learning Goal
Read questions carefully and understand expectations
Unit Test -Plants and systems
Frog Dissection Lab Mar 8
Mar 7
Learning Goal
Correct and review test
Frog Dissection Lab Mar 8
Remember to tie back long hair and dress appropriately for the the lab.
Mar 8
Learning Goal
Read and understand the lab before you begin
Frog Dissection Lab pg 116-118 of text
Mar 18
Learning Goal
Understanding Ionic Bonds
Ionic Bonding
Ionic Compound Worksheet
Additional Reading pg 117 - 118 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 19
Learning Goal
Understand Chemical Vs Physical Change
Chemical and Physical Change
Chem Review
Additional Reading pg 117 - 118 Science 10 Textbook
Review and Ionic bonding will be checked on Wednesday March 20
Mar 20
Learning Goal
Use the worksheets to reinforce understanding of Ionic Bonding
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 21
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 22
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Covalent Bonding
Covalent Worksheet
polyatomic bonding worksheet
Polyatomic Names
Additional Reading pg 148-150 and 152-158 Science 10 Textbook
Mar 25
Learning Goal
What is the difference between a chemical change and chemical property?
Type of Chemical Bonds
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions Worksheet.
Quiz Thursday - Bigger one
Mar 26
Learning Goal
What are the differences between ionic and molecular bonds?
Quiz Review
Quiz Thursday
Mar 27
Learning Goal
What are the differences between ionic and molecular bonds?
Quiz Today
You will need your periodic table and polyatomic ion sheet
Mar 28
Learning Goal
If you can't balance the equation, it is bonded incorrectly
Types of Chemical Reactions
Reaction Worksheet
Mar 29
Learning Goal
Can you spot neutralization and Combustion reactions?
Type of Reaction - One more worksheet
Apr 1
Learning Goal
What patterns do you notice between ionic and covalent bonds?
Conservation of Mass Lab
Lab due Wednesday Apr 3
Apr 2
Learning Goal
If you can't balance the equation, it is bonded incorrectly
Types of Chemical Reactions
Reaction Worksheet
Lab due Wednesday Apr 3
Apr 3
Learning Goal
Can you spot neutralization and Combustion reactions?
Type of Reaction - One more worksheet
5 questions quiz on Thursday - Same as last week but includes type of reaction.
Apr 4
Learning Goal
Learn how to recognize acids and bases
Naming Acids
Additional Reading pg 219-227 Science 10 Textbook
Apr 5
Learning Goal
Bond, balance, name and recognize Type of reaction
Friday Lab - Chemical bonding
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Apr 8
Learning Goal
Figure out why its still called a snow day when there is barely any snow on the ground
Mystery gas lab due at the start of class Tuesday. 1 per group
Busses cancelled due to weather.
Apr 9
Learning Goal
Learn how to recognize acids and bases
pH scale and indicators
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Additional Reading pg 229-234 Science 10 Textbook
Apr 10
Learning Goal
What is titration?
Practice Titration example
Unit Review
Unit Test Thursday Apr 11
Apr 11
Learning Goal
Remember you Diatomic atoms and Transition metals
Unit Test
Apr 12
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Climate and Weather
Weather vs Climate Video
Precipitation data
Temperature data
Create a Climatograph of Kanata (Stitsville data was not available) based on the info provided above for all of 2021
Be sure to include the following information
Title - Name of town and range of date
Monthly precipitation - as a bar graph
Monthly Average temperature - as a line graph
Use as much of the page as possible when creating you graph.
Label the axis with titles and units
Use colour to make you information more visible.
Climatograph example
Apr 15
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Factors Affecting Climate
Factors Influencing Climate Lab
Apr 16
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
- What were the warnings in 1992?
- Did we do anything?
- What is the situation now?
- Why is it happening?
- What needs to be done and when?
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 17
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
- What were the warnings in 1992?
- Did we do anything?
- What is the situation now?
- Why is it happening?
- What needs to be done and when?
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 18
Learning Goal
Look at the big picture first
1700 Scientists Warning to Humanity
15000 Scientists
1500 Scientists Video Summary
View notes on class website comparing the 1700 scientist warning (1992) and the 15000 scientist warning again in 2017.
Students will create a max 500 report that highlights the following
- What were the warnings in 1992?
- Did we do anything?
- What is the situation now?
- Why is it happening?
- What needs to be done and when?
Due in you Folder by end of class Thursday April 18
Apr 23
Learning Goal
Can we fix this problem?
Politics of Climate Change
Climate Change Lab
Climate Change Lab PDF
Climate Change Lab due Thursday Apr 26
Apr 24
Learning Goal
Can we fix this problem?
Politics of Climate Change
Climate Change Lab
Climate Change Lab PDF
Climate Change Lab due Friday Apr 26
Apr 26
Learning Goal
How are we causing this problem?
Greenhouse effect Gizmo
Greenhouse effect Note
Apr 29
Learning Goal
What is this doing to our planet?
Air and Ocean Circulation
Air Current Explained
Ocean Currents Explained
Ocean Currents Effect on Climate
Coriolis Effect
Thermohaline Circulation
On a single page, Create a labelled diagram with description that explains the following.
1. What is convection heating?
2. Why are there warm and cold ocean currents?
3 At what latitudes do we tend to see warmer/wetter and cooler/drier climates due to the hot and cold ocean currents
This will be due at the start of Tuesday's class.
Apr 30
Learning Goal
How can we fix this in our country?
Long Term and SHort Term Effects of Climate Change
Tree Rings
May 1
Learning Goal
How can we fix this in our homes?
Impacts of Climate Change
Sources of Energy
Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint link
Carbon Footprint expectations.
Take Screen shots of BOTH results pages.
Click on this link to answer #2 of the climate change assignment
Due Friday May 3
May 2
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Day After Tomorrow
May 3
Learning Goal
What do we need to know about to start to fix this?
Day After Tomorrow
May 6
Learning Goal
Organize you information
Climate Change Review.
- Climate vs Weather
- Factors that affect climate
- Natural factors that can affect climate
- Radiation, conduction, convection
- Ocean/wind currents
- Ways of testing past climates
- Greenhouse gasses (Natural and Anthropogenic)
- Greenhouse effect
- Canada's Politics and climate change
Unit Test Tuesday
Brief History of Canada's Climate Change Agreements
Class Climate Survey
May 7
Learning Goal
Read questions carefully
Climate Change Unit Test
May 8
Learning Goal
Organize your information and focus on time management
RST Day 1
Create your purpose, variables, hypothesis and procedure.
Will be in room 232 for Thursday and Friday to perform lab.
May 9
Learning Goal
Time management and organization are a focus
Titration RST - in the lab - Room 323
Hair tied back
No open toed shoes
Make needed changes to your procedure
May 10
Learning Goal
Divided tasks to you group member to more efficient
Titration RST - in the lab - Room 323
Hair tied back
No open toed shoes
Make needed changes to your procedure
May 13
Learning Goal
Time management and organization are a focus
Complete Observation, conclusion and research questions for the RST
Collected at the end of each class
May 14
Learning Goal
Divided tasks to you group member to more efficient
Complete Observation, conclusion and research questions for the RST
Collected at the end of each class
May 22
Learning Goal
What is light?
What is light?
What is light video
- answer questions at the end of the note
What is Light question sheet
Additional Reading pg 403-410 Science 10 Textbook
May 23
Learning Goal
How does light reflect on a plane mirror?
Museum Security Project
Images in Plane Mirrors
Plane Mirror Ray Diagrams walkthrough
Ray Model of Light
May 27
Learning Goal
How does light reflect on a plane mirror?
Museum Security Project
Images in Plane Mirrors
Ray Model of Light
Assignment due Wednesday May 29 at the start of class
May 28
Learning Goal
How can we change to help ourselves and the planet
Guest speaker - Ecosmart food
May 29
Learning Goal
Light Through Mirrors?
Images in Curved Mirrors
Convex Mirrors (Diverging) Ray diagram worksheet
Concave Mirror Ray Diagram Worksheet(Converging)
Concave Mirror Ray Diagram VIdeo Tutorial
Convex Mirror Ray Diagram VIdeo Tutorial (starts at 5:38)
Using the ray box and the 5 slit cover, create a ray diagram using both a Concave (converging); and Convex (diverging) mirror
May 29
Learning Goal
Light Through Mirrors?
Images in Curved Mirrors
- Using the ray box and the 5 slit cover, create a ray diagram using both a Concave (converging); and Convex (diverging) mirror
- Create a labelled ray diagram for a concave mirror and a convex mirror and label the type of mirror, focal point, focal distance, centre of curvature, normal and the vertex.
May 30
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
Mirror Math
Mirror Math worksheet
Quiz will be on Tuesday. It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems. A version of the formula will be provided
May 31
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
Mirror Math
Mirror Math worksheet
Quiz will be on Tuesday. It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems. A version of the formula will be provided
June 4
Learning Goal
Do your ray diagrams and math answers show the same information?
Quiz - It will only include ray diagrams for concave and convex mirrors as well as Mirror Math problems and info from the notes. A version of the formulas will be provided
June 5
Learning Goal
Understand what diverging and converging mirrors and lenses look like
June 6
Learning Goal
Predict you answer before you solve
Lens Math
Lens and mirror super test
June 10
Learning Goal
Pay attention to details
Refraction 2022
Activity Link
June 11
Learning Goal
How do the parts of the eye work together to make vision possible?
Index of refraction worksheet
The Human Eye
Human Eye Video Link
Eye Problems Video Link
June 12
Learning Goal
Carefully read instructions
How do the parts of the eye work together to make vision possible?
Index of refraction worksheet
The Human Eye
Human Eye Video Link
Eye Problems Video Link
June 13
Learning Goal
Understand how glasses can help with short/far sightedness
The Human Eye
You must be wearing closed toes shoes, hair must be tied back and no loose clothing for the lab.
Optics Review
Unit Test Friday June 14
June 14
Learning Goal
Show all of your work with the math questions on the test
Unit Test Friday June 14
June 17-18
Learning Goal
Organize your information
Biology Review
Bio Review 2
Chemistry Review Package
Climate Change Review Package
- Biology tissues
- Chemistry
- Climate Change
- Optics
- Biology tissues
- Chemistry
- Climate Change
- Optics
Lab Guides
-BibMe - Reference Helper
- In Text referencing
- Image in text referencing
- APA image citation style and example
- Lab Format
- Example of Completed APA Reference Page
- Lab Checklist
- How to format Tables and graphs in you observations.